Monday, July 6, 2015

I was traveling over the river yesterday and broke out in tears.

I miss the Chemung, I am still the River Hag in my heart.

However, my little River Dog, Ellie has been gone for what seems like forever.  She's still in my heart everyday.  I love my rescue Sarah, but she's too carsick to torture her with a trip to visit my river.

I am accepting this as a different phase in my life, but I will return to my visits someday.

Just not today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

One final change to RiverHag

The RiverHag is now on disability.  River visits are now shorter, but more frequent.  Our new blog will reflect that. 

Go here from now on, and thanks for your interest!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Warming up in May

Finally arrived at the time of year when the RiverHag looks for shadier spots to enjoy. The Chemung is on the other side of the trees. Cloudy, almost-raining days are perfect for seeing more unusual behavior in our local river denizens. The geese were lazy and enjoying the recently mown grass on the walkway. They moved indolently down the bank as we approached.
I don't know what sort of tree this is, but the catkins sort of glisten in the morning light.
And it was just beginning to clear up, so the heat chased me back indoors.