Monday, June 22, 2009

After all the rain

The Chemung River is running high. Every large tree that had planted itself in the bed is now perched on the spillover dam in downtown Elmira, NY, USA.
Even the geese are someone reluctant to swim out to the channels. Waterfowl can simply let the current take them downstream, no effort at all.
The Grove Street River Access boat ramp is more than half submerged. Humans do not take their boats on the Chemung when she's like this. In the past few weeks we have had a few full-scale rescues: lucky people who are now believers when we say the river is too dangerous for swimmers.
And yes, there are more uprooted trees floating downriver to replace the ones we lost this weekend.


Granny J said...

Would that we could share in your rain! Despite your river being dangerous, all looks so very serene in your photographs.

pb said...

Technology will have hit an ultimate high when we CAN share our rain.

Sure wish we could.

Ellen Orner said...

I am grateful for
the cool serenity
I feel in your photos
as I look at them
on this sweltering
Saturday morning
in Baltimore

Ellen Orner, aka Meg Hiller

pb said...

We are experiencing a wet, cool summer, but August in the Southern Tier of New York is often a dry, droughty time. And the local term is droughty with a "y".